Bring Bennet Home

Monday, December 3, 2012

Gary Paul

A little over four years ago I remember meeting Gary for the first time. He had asked Chris and I to come to Sayre to interview for their open youth ministry position. After two ROUGH summers and two not so great churches I was ready to wash my hands of full time ministry and live close to my family. We almost didn't come because I so badly didn't want to. But Chris talked me into making the drive to meet Gary and later the search committee.
We walked in to hugs and kisses from Terri Fish, our church secretary and Chris's second Mom, and were ushered into Gary's office for the first time. I was immediately put at ease by how genuine he was and his sweet spirit. We talked for a long time and he showed us around the church and then later the parsonage, which I thought was useless because we were NOT moving to Sayre. We asked and answered a lot of questions that day, but  as we stood in the hall of the church that has become our home over the last four years I was struck by how our views on ministry alined with Gary's and how much we could learn from this shepherd. By the time we pulled out of Sayre the next day with a job offer on the table, I knew we would be moving to Western Oklahoma. And I was ok with the idea solely because of who our Pastor would be. He told us the thing our hurting hearts needed to hear that day. He spoke of healing and loving us back into productive, healthy ministry. He loved on us right where we were. We are still in ministry today because of Gary Paul.
Yesterday our church commissioned Gary and Shirley as foreign missionaries as we ended his last service as the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Sayre. Teary eyed members made their way through a receiving line hugging these two who have become so dear to us and my heart broke as I watched. Loosing a pastor is difficult for a staff member. It means a loss of security and of a plan. It makes you question what is next for you as well.
But the worst part is we had to say good bye to more then a boss. We said good bye to a friend. A trusted conselor. A beloved man and woman who have loved us so well for four years. They have helped us welcome two of our children. They have fought beside us and stood up for us. Gary has encouraged and protected and taught and laughed with us in a way no other pastor in my life ever has. And I'm so thankful and grateful that my husband got to learn more of what it means to be a minister of the Gospel and lover of people from his mentorship.
Shirley provided a listening ear, encouragement and a protective wing for me. She has such a sensitive spirit and is so good at speaking only when needed. She followed and submitted to her husband's leadership so well. Many lessons for this young minister's wife to take to heart.
Gary loves so well. Maybe better then anyone I've ever met. He openly welcomes anyone who will come and ALWAYS sees the best in people and circumstances. His eternal optimism, grace seeking heart and open arms have made our church the place it is. FBC Sayre will never be the same because of the footprint Gary is leaving behind him and neither will the Gordon's.
As they go to shepherd over 1,000 missionaries I can't think of anyone more equipped for the task. Those are some blessed sharers of the Gospel to receive the two lives we are sending their way.
Thank you for the way you have loved & lived so openly for our benefit! We love you!!!

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