Bring Bennet Home

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Doctor's Visits

We have an AMAZING doctor. He and Chris grew up together and he's been SUPER supportive and helpful throughout different stages of our adoption process. We were so excited to introduce him to Tucker and also see how our boy was doing.
When Tucker was born he weighed 7 lbs, 15 oz. While in the hospital he lost down to 7.10 but was already eating very well. He was 20 inches long at birth.
At his two week appointment he weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and had grown to 21.25 inches. I couldn't believe how much he'd grown in just two weeks.
At Tuck's one month appointment I knew my chunky monkey had gained weight. He weighed 10 lbs, 8 oz! Are you kidding me? I couldn't believe he'd gained over two pounds in two weeks! He had only grown 1/2 inch but our doctor was very please with Tucker and said not to worry about his weight. I guess it'll all balance out in time.
His other MAJOR achievement is when he was 13 days old he showed us that he could roll over from his belly to his back. We were at my mom's and were having some tummy time while we were sitting in the floor chatting. He did it and we both were amazed! I didn't realize how early he was doing this until our one month appointment when we told our doctor. He LOVES to be his stomach and since he can roll over we're letting him sleep that way most of the time. He is now sleeping in five hour stretches at night which is SUPER nice, especially for me.
We are so glad he's adjusting well and growing strong. We had heard a lot about attachment and adjustment with adopted babies and their forever families so I had been very concerned about that. But Dr. Whinery said that unattached-unadjusted babies don't gain weight and do as well as Tucker is. We're so glad it's obvious he's happy! Because we couldn't be more smitten with our precious boy!


Erin said...

Growing boy! So glad things are going well for your family of three. :)

danielle said...

how GREAT!!! love it!!