Bring Bennet Home

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bennett's Eight Month Letter

Bennett Harris -
You are the most precious baby the world has ever known. You just smile, sit and play, and love your brothers. You are such a charmer and everyone instantly falls in love with you. You are growing so fast and learning so many new tricks. You are just beginning to crawl. You also scoot on your booty and get what/where ever you want to. You lean over until you're on all fours and you push up and rock back and forth. You also push your legs straight up and push your booty all the way in the air, like downward dog. Pretty funny looking push ups, but also pretty cute! You clap all the time, wave bye-bye and say the words and your patty cake is uber cute. I can't believe how big you're getting and how much you change and learn every day. Being your Momma is truly a joy. I love rocking you to sleep, getting your sweet smiles and giggles and singing songs to you. Precious moments my little darlin'.

You've become quite the little Daddy's boy this month. This is a first for me. The other two have never really picked Daddy over me, but it's such a joy to see your little face light up when your Daddy comes into the room or gets home. If you're sitting on the floor you do your signature moves of flapping your arms and bouncing your legs until your Daddy notices you and comes to get you. I'm so thankful for the sweet Daddy you have and how much you love him.

You still love to eat from a spoon. You've conquered lots of different kinds of food. The only things you don't like are green beans and peas, I can't blame you. Those do look pretty gross. You still really like cereal too. You've also tried fresh baked sweet potatoes, pinto and refried beans, carrots, bread, puffs, mum-mums and corn on the cob. You like it all!

You are wearing size 6-12 months clothes and size 3 diapers. You have the chunkiest thighs! Your little rolls are just so sweet and soft. You are really strong! You still love to stand and bounce. You have also started trying to pull yourself up on things. I think you may walk early for two reasons one because you're strong enough to do it and two you just can't wait to keep up with that big brother of ours. You have four teeth and another one about to come through. Two bottoms in the middle and two top on either side of the middle.

We've been busy busy these days. Summer keeps us on the go and May did too this year. We got Aunt Chelsie married off and added a new uncle to our family. Daddy has already been to camp for two weeks in a row and we go again next week! You are such a trooper in the car and I'm so thankful you like to sleep in your carseat. Because you are the most laid back of the brothers you also get to go shopping and running errands with me a lot.

I can't put into words how much we love you. You are just the best baby. We can't imagine life without your sweet giggles, toothy grin and laid back personality. Your joy is contagious and smiles/giggles ooze out of you so easily. I can't believe eight months have flown by! I can't wait to see what the next eight months hold!
I love you more, 

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