I've been putting this letter off all day because I know how close to your first birthday we are getting, even though I'm not sure how it happened. Your presence in my life has not only been a joy, but a transformation of my heart in ways I had only heard of before your arrival. I had no idea how fiercely protective I could be until the first time some old lady in Sam's gave us a weird look when you were just tiny. I had no idea how my heart could ache until I had to leave you for eleven days in December. I had no idea how much pride I could have over small accomplishments until you started learning new tricks. I had no idea how much I could love until I held you in my arms for the first time eleven months ago. It doesn't sound like a long time and it feels like it's just flown by, but you have truly transformed me. I love you so completely little boy! You light up my life and my everyday.
Tooth #3 broke through your top gum this month and I think #4 isn't going to be far behind. I think this one hurt you more because you were way fussier with this tooth. You also ran a low fever and got bronchiolitis again this month. I don't know if its the changing weather or the new teeth or what, but you were pitiful for a couple of days. You had to have breathing treatments and you took them so sweetly.
You have learned LOTS of new tricks this month. The biggest of these is you started walking. For real walking. You are a very busy fella these days and watching you take those first wobbly steps was super exciting. Watching you realize you could make it from one person or object to the other was so cute. You could see the wheels in your head turning. You also started clapping your hands/patty caking. Throwing it in the pan is your favorite part and you usually get to that part early. You can also growl like a bear, hold both hands up signaling "touchdown," give kisses on purpose, point with your pointer finger, raise your foot to get onto something and crawl up & down stairs. You just amazes us everyday. But maybe my favorite thing is your dance moves. You are hilarious! You sway back and forth, bounce up and down and when you get really into it you swing your arms back and forth. SO CUTE! We're teaching you to say how old you are (gonna be). You already do it when we show you. You're SUPER smart!
You can now say bye-bye. But few other new words. Dada remains your favorite. When I say, "Can you say Momma?" You always respond with Dada. Little turkey! You "sing" along with songs sometimes and really seem to enjoy music. You are very vocal and you can tell you know what you're saying even if no one else does.
You are all that is boy! The weather has been so nice lately and we've started spending time outside. You LOVE grass, rocks and dirt. You are content to just sit and dig. You also prefer walking in the grass to the sidewalk. You take a couple of steps and then take a seat to investigate the grass or leaves under your feet. It's been so fun to watch you love being outside.
We are getting ready for your big first birthday! Even though it breaks my heart a little that it is a reality. You are just not a baby anymore. I treasure the end of the day when I get to cuddle with you as I rock you to sleep. You are so busy these days the only time you want to be held is when you're eating or going to sleep. I might rock you a little longer then necessary just feeling you breath and your weight against my chest. You have the sweetest disposition and are so friendly and laid back. People are always amazed at how easy you are.
My Lovie, you are just more then I knew to pray for in so many ways. The Lord continues to give us "immeasurably more then we could think, ask or imagine." Thank you for making me a mother and for giving my life such purpose. I just feel so blessed to get to watch you grow and to be apart of your life. People always say things about us being a blessing to you, but I feel totally opposite. The immesaurable blessing of getting to parent you is more then we could ever give you! I love you so much I don't know how my heart holds it all.
can you write em a note like this from me. i mean really i love the way you describe the absolute love we feel. i love you and him and we are very excited to spend month #11 with him.
Girl, those top teeth breaking through are just the WORST aren't they? Riggins has been a bear all week as his first top tooth pushes its way out. Ugh.
I can't believe our boys are almost a year old!!!
Happy 11 month birthday Tucker! Love the last picture of him holding up one finger. He is adorable!!
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