Bring Bennet Home

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Momma

Today is my Momma's birthday. She is everything I hope to be as a mother. She has lived her life in such a way that she has taught her daughters how to love people, give of themselves, value family and be true to themselves. I know everyone thinks their mom is the best, but my mom is the best for me.
As I've grown up our roles have changed and adapted. She is now one of my best friends. She is the first person I call if I need parenting advice. She is quick to help me see the other side of disagreements. I love to hang out with her. We got to go shopping last week and all day I just was overwhelmed with how blessed my life has been to get to be walked out beside hers. She sacrifices her own needs or wants for those of her children, even though we are all grown now. She is honest. She loves people. She is successful. People just like to be around my mom and that makes me proud to call her mine. Even if it's 2 am I know I can call her and she'll be there. She has been known to get in the car late and night and drive 2.5 hours because I needed her. She just fixes things and takes care of things like no one else I know. Last time she came to my house, she not only kept my sick baby she deep cleaned my house from top to bottom!
My Momma has turned into the very greatest Granna. She LOVES her grandbabies so passionately. She drops her life to spend time with them and adapts her schedule if they are sick or just need to be babysat. She has quwerky things that are just theirs that she says and does. She calls just to talk to Tucker sometimes. When we started the adoption process she was so supportive and knew we'd have a baby by April. Sure enough we did.
My Mom has always been my biggest supporter and most faithful companion. When I decided I wanted to go to Africa by myself for a summer when I was 21 she did all she could to get me there. When I said I wanted to go to OBU she worked hard and sacrificed so much and paid for half of my school so I wouldn't have loans. When I walked down the aisle she was beside me. When I showed her my son for the first time she cried with me. When I jumped off a bridge in Africa I cried because I knew she would've loved to have that experience.
So much of what I am is because of who she is. I cannot imagine the person I would be or where I would've ended up were it not for my maternal compass.

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