Bring Bennet Home

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ben's First Food

Bennett will be six month old in just a couple of weeks. Gulp! We hadn't started him on any cereal or baby food yet just because things have been so nuts around our house. About six weeks ago Chris developed an embellical hernia. It was fine the second day so we didn't think much of it, but about three weeks ago he sneezed and things went down hill quickly. One week after the sneeze that rocked our world he had surgery. We are two weeks post op and he's still not back to full speed yet. It's been crazy! He can't left or hold anything over five pounds, which includes both babies and the big boy. So Casen has been at my mom's most of the last two weeks and we have bounced back and forth. Just when we were sorta figuring out life and a routine with three this threw a huge kink in our progress.
Last week, while all of us were at my mom's, we decided to give cereal a try. Tucker didn't really like cereal at all so I didn't have high hopes, but Bennett LOVED it! He devoured two bowls and I think would've eaten more, but I didn't want him to get sick so we stopped. I've never seen a kid eat cereal like this guy! He woofs it down! It's a fun new development for our middle. He's just growing and developing so quickly these days! Enjoy these cereal covered pics of my rolly baby boy.


Erin said...

Sorry it's been so crazy for you guys! I hope things settle down a bit soon. And what a big boy eating his cereal like a champ!!

Heather D. said...

Ahh... praying for you guys. Ben is growing so quickly, what a sweet boy.

Little S said...

Oh no! When it rains, it pours. Glad you live close to your mom so she can pick up the slack. How can Bennett be 6 months old?? Seems like you just brough him home. He's a cutie!